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Final project: Concept Artist

I choose to do Concept design/ designer because it relates to what I'm interested in. As the same as fine art and illustration art, the techniques are closer and, we ever  consider there are overlap areas, but their focus is very different. Fine art and illustration is to create polished artworks on its own. But the purpose of  Concept design is to quickly explore “CONCEPT”, build the connection between the story and visual result to consumers what they need/want to know. It doesn’t need to be any art pieces, the goal is to convey a visual concept, idea, light setting and mood for every different media, for example movie, game and comic book etc. I choose to do Concept design is try to let people know more about it, and discover more about it. 

Mood board

(1) In my mood board, I focus on concept developing, such as image 1 and 4.
(2) Concept art and concept designer are closely relate to each other, so it just feel "a man behind the character ", so i would like to use face overlapping to bring this idea. half face is the character they creative, other half it's designer herself/himself. just like image 2, 8 and 9.
(3) The image 5 inspired me for the following "2 page magazine design" design.
(4) Image 6 is the one of my One of my favourite Concept artist

My color style guide is orange with black, gray and white. Orange is a vitality colour, it gives the energy to audience. When people see orange, it encourages them to think more, and improve their interested in learning.

I chose ANAGRAM NF is my title font because it has a little decoration at the letter makes it playful and joyful. This is very match my design, I'm try to explain a topic, maybe not that much people know about concept design , concept art and concept artiste. But this is a fun and creative subject, so a playful font can delivery my design goal, concept design is a fun and Relaxed topic.

This is my 2 page magazine design

I used polygon shapes in a grid system. the polygon shape means concept design is unlimited style. Most image in here is eyes zoom in picture because this is very easy to get reader's attention, also i tried to create eye contact with audience. Therefore, when the see there images or read the articles, just like the concept artist was talking to them. 

I didn't involve to much text, I just brought the main points: the goal, the key and the difference. very clean and playful layout. this part is very close to my mood board, I get the inspiration form my mood board image 2, 8 and 9. At the middle of 2 biggest image, there are the same angle of character and designer, so reader can realized the art work and this person has connection. after they read the articles, reader will know the concept artwork is done by the concept artistes.

page magazine design

Click  Concept Design web page


This is the website I designed and created. (1 page with 3 sections. ) It totally follow the colour guide and font from my design guide.

This is a contribution website, introduce what is Concept Design, and what's the difference? So using orange for a title, orange represent open mind, so this colour can encourage them stay longer and discovery more.

The 2nd page I use orange to create professional looking, so I provide the idea, professional concept designers create professional concept arts.

The last page I post a concept artist and his artwork, he is Simon Otto, One of my favourite Concept artist.

Overall the website, I use orange to keep my brand and coherent style. 2 page magazine design print/ digital and the one page website all keep the same style, using the same font and same colour guide.

toothless: character of "how to train your dragon "
moodboard image 3, 4 & 7
from book<the art of dreamworks how to train your dragon>
mood board image 2:
mood board5:
mood board 8:
form< iron man> official  website
mood board 9:
time magazine cover
Simon Otto's image is from his bolo:
The image is link to:
web 1st page: 
concept designer: Park Jong Won
web 2nd page: artistes