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Blog #6 Ocean issue

In generally, blue represents ocean and environment friendly, also blue is plastic bag/bottle colour; therefore, blue is the perfect colour for this poster. The orange shirt is the Complementary colour of the blue, so it creates contrast.  Orange also brings the character's emotion, he looks like very happy and enjoy the seafood, but this poster create a moment: when a person is picking a seafood up, and trying to enjoy its fresh and taste,  does he  realize that everything go into the ocean goes into himself? Plastic in the ocean concentrates and carries persistent organic pollutants such as DDT, PCBs, mercury and other toxins. The bright yellow in here just like a light bulb, hight light the title of the poster, and it also reminds people about the ocean pollution.  Even though, this image and colour pallet looks very happy, but it's also telling a sadness fact to public.

ps, this is the older poster I created it include the same concept; but I didn't create any plastic sushi, the two images I borrow form internet to do school assignment, images resource I have already written down in the poster footer.