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8 Steps to create dark background product display image by photoshop

I simply took 8 steps and spend  2 hours to make it.

 Let's take a look the final result first. And start!

1. Get all the product's pictures from internet, and then lay them in each layer.

2. Add background layer. I chosen the dark navy colour to get the night time feel.

3. On top add the same colour layer to give the product darker lighting effect.
Don't worry, this layer just the foundation colour for all products.

4. Combined all products layers into one layer, and rename "hight light".

Changed the mode to"Linear Light". This layer is to create the hight light effect. It changed the light source form front light to back light.

Please make sure the layers are in order ( it must on top of the "lighting back layer"), it's very important!

5. I used blue draw an oval to create the flat surface. It looked like a table with light box in it. And then go to Main Menu > Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > radius 30.0 pixels.

6. The same colour created the moon layer, and go to Main Menu > Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > radius 30.0 pixels.

7. Copy "hight light" layer, renamed to "reflection", and then rotated 180 degreed.

Also created "shadow" layer, draw a black oval for shadow.

Make sure the "shadow" layer on top of the "reflection" layer. This is very important!


It turns nice result!

Here it's the full processing, enjoy~


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