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Week3 Colour using in the publication (Magazine)

Be honest, at the beginning, I didn't see <Scientific American> magazine at first, I was attracted by the <Mindful> with blue cover and the yellow letters. But how does <Scientific American> could change my decision  form the colourful one to this black and white magazine? 
First of all,  the big letter of "Scientific American" catched my eyes. It doesn't has many colours, it just the basic colour here, black and white. Therefore, it's very simple and logical, it fixes for specific readers. Readers who love scientific, their way of thinking is logically, so that's why it attractive. Secondly, the thick silver border helps to narrow focal point to this magazine.

Even though it's just using black and white, this colour strategy makes it out standing in these disorganized colours around it. Thick silver border becomes a rectangle aim sign, and the title as a target, so readers attraction can easily be caught. Silver and black are a kind of universe colours, it fits the content of the magazine.

Colour blog it's a easer way to see how does the designer use colour and layout this page. Because this is a scientific magazine, it's different with some fashion or healthy magazine. This is why it looks more solemn by using less unnecessary colour. By looking at the 2 pages of white text section, readers can see they are at the same high and same position of these pages, so these are easily show that these 2 pages are connected to each other.

Obviously, in order to keep it as a same style and professional, cover and pages mostly use black and white. If background is black, the texts may use white as dominant colour. If the background it white, dominate colour may switch to black. For the specific page I chose, we can see,  black and white are background and dominate colour, red is accent colour. Readers can understand red is the important information, even though the red letters are very small, but they won't miss to read it, so this is why designer use red as the title of articles and sections. This colour strategy makes this magazine looks professional, scientific and high quality.

On the page, it keeps the tittle of the magazine<Scientific American> on top of the page, keeps the words <Extreme Physics> on the cover and every page of the side; so readers know exactly which magazine they are reading and which edition it is. This is a successful way to navigate every page very well.

The lower image is my relayout page. I just keep the layout  and hierarchy as the same as I can. The original page is a warm colour image with red accent colour. However, for my page they colour it's about moon which is blue, it's a cool colour. Therefore, I change red to orange, which is the complementary colour of the blue. Complementary colours is a dynamic vivid colour scheme, it fits my design purpose and easy to draw readers' attention. For better result, I increase the saturation of orange, and bright it a little bit, makes it easier to be seen.