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Week3- Postmodernism in Design

Posters communicate with audience by using language, structures, and elements; therefore designers are always looking for interesting layout structures to organize all elements.
During 1960s-1990s, design industry has changed dramatically; it called Postmodernism.
This new wave of design broke the rules of traditional design; it was an interesting layout structures to place ornaments, symbols. In other words, it created avant-garde visual effects.
Poster/April Greinman(USA c1980)
Greiman produced a vivid 3D space visual effect. She dynamically placed graphics and also  kept layout balance really well . At the time, technology wasn't as high as nowadays, but designers has very strong creative and design skills. Therefore, many good designs were born.

Poster / April Greiman (USA 1988)
This poster achieved a striking design style by overlapping  images and abstract layout. She also handled texture, perspective, rotation and balance really well.

Poster / Festival/ Allen Wong(USA c1980)
I'm interested in traditional layout with postmodernism typography at the same poster. 
He used grid system to design and placed contents, but he showed the type more attractive by making them look modernism.
