12 Lunar New Year is one of the well know Chinese culture, this year is snake year. Colours from this image are really represent Chinese culture style. For instance, when this specific green and magenta(the 3rd and 5th colour of my color palette ) use together, it's a distinctive colour pattern of Chinese new year .They represent growing, hope, better life. Specially red, Chinese people call it China Red. Also the brown is very close to gold, it obviously means the Chinese emperor. So these colours truly represent many traditional culture in China.
When I was painting this image, I really worry about if I only choose the colours from above pattern, without shapes, can I create the same feelings as the < Happy New year > image? In fact, it pleasantly surprise me. It truly carry the same feelings of the < Happy New year > image. During I was painting this abstract image, I very enjoy it, I love the power of colour. It can represent so many different impressions to public, just by colour itself without any shapes. After I finish this assignment, I get a good way to more understand colour and get a new skill to use colour.
For this happiness image, I changed the colours form warm to cool. Look at the right image, it lost the happiness feelings, and it presents creepy feelings. However, the flowers are nice, the words are "happy new year", and the shapes still attractive, but it doesn't show any happy and hope feelings. Once again, colour evokes more feelings than shape and words.
I use the same colour palette to paint this image, it gives me spirit, vitality, psyche feelings which it's quite match the Buddhist image's feelings.
Compare with these two images, the original one is more vibrant and attractive than the right one. I decreased the value of red, and changed green to blue. So this image's appearance is old, less attractive and dull.
For the social group image, I chose a photo of mighty Chinese Air Force. Tan, deep olive drab, brown, slate gary, black, all of them are military colours, they vividly represent army. Specially, slate gary more evokes to air force impression.
This is the most successful image that I create, this image very clearly shows military colour appearance.
The right image was adjusted, it's big different than the original one. The original photo shows in the morning, and airmen should be start to train or fight. However, the adjusted one looks like winter or at nightfall, airmen seems finished training or just came back from fighting. Therefore, since I change image's colour, many information will be changed, so that why colour is so important and powerful.
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